Posterior Vitreous Detachment

Posterior vitreous detachment is when the vitreous body comes away from the retina. It is common in older age.

The vitreous humour is the gel inside the vitreous chamber of the eye. It maintains the structure of the eyeball and keeps the retina pressed on the choroid. With age, it becomes less firm and able to maintain its shape.


Posterior vitreous detachment is a painless condition. It may be completely asymptomatic. The key symptoms are:

  • Floaters
  • Flashing lights
  • Blurred vision



No treatment is necessary. Over time, the symptoms will improve as the brain adjusts.

However, it can predispose patients to develop retinal tears and retinal detachment. These conditions can present similarly with flashes, floaters and vision loss. It is essential to exclude a retinal tear or retinal detachment with a thorough assessment of the retina, usually by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. 


Last updated October 2023